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April 2022 – Freedom is a right, not a gift

“Dear Reader,

Your energy is increasing again due to the apparent freedom these days. The big danger however seems invisible and that is the gradual, destructive influence of habit. You see your recent freedom as a feast, while it should be just seen as your right of existence. Keep your thoughts on the time before these developments and remember how you felt then. Freedom is a right, not a gift.
The best thing you can do now is to enjoy this apparent freedom, but start making plans in the back of your mind to keep this freedom and let it continue in times of restrictions and lockdown. You can do that by organising small groups and meeting other groups so you can exchange information.
Everyone likes to know for how long this situation will continue. Dear Reader, I cannot tell you that yet, but think of some months in crisis and some years in total. That is from this moment on. You should get through these times in relative peace but with ever invasive regulations. Know that you do not need to comply with everything without needing to stick your head out.
Our crystal clear energy keeps raining down on you, this helps people to keep their courage.
Big changes will come this year, but go one step at a time. Preparation is everything and because of that you will go through this period so much better than when you don’t want to know anything and you do not inform yourself about everything outside the established media. Prepare for a time in which people’s rights will be curtailed and the individual will be forced to comply with the new laws. This only seems so because you can always dodge this. Hold on to this thought, dear Reader, and you will stand strong with like-minded others.”

March 2022 – Be Happy with God

“Dear Readers,

You have stopped putting faith in your leaders, but you will have to remain under their rule for a while longer. The times of insight have come and this gives you doubts about everything. Learn to live with these doubts because more is going to happen in world politics.

As a citizen you cannot do much now, the die has been cast. Know however that you have all the power to shape your own life and in doing that you still influence the world stage. Hang on to your values and keep your eyes onto your own holy circle. This circle contains your soul, body and spirit, your loved ones and your possessions, like your house and other necessities. Take care of the things in your circle and help others care for theirs.
Small-scale living is the form of the future and this is a time of training for you to establish a firm basis together with a view to My worlds. This connection is the key to the future, dear Reader. Today’s leaders do not yet realise that every person is directly connected to Me and that this combination is invincible.

Your task for these coming months is to be happy with Me, dear Reader. I am very happy with You and I am returning this happiness to you in hundredfold.”

February 2022 – Stand your ground and think light

“Dear Reader,

In all parts of the world a war is going on. War is an armed conflict. See the threat of war in Ukraine as a follow-up of this. The steps that Putin has taken are necessary for the balance on the stage of the world. It sounds strange but you will understand in time. More threats are coming; why I say this to you is so that you can prepare yourself and not panic or lose your positive attitude.

See everything as a chain of events to shake loose all the evil in the world. Keep up your eagle’s eye, dear reader and do not forget your own rôle in this. Keep on doing wha you think is right, connecting, giving love to others and the world around you, to nature and especially to yourself. Now is the time to put your spiritual training in practice and stand for it.

This is your moment to stand up and to keep on standing. You, who are reading this now, are the forerunners on the energetic stage. Keep yourself connected to that energy of light and then connect with each other on that fantastic field of light that hovers over the earth. This field will later on put an end to all battles. Keep this field in your daily consciousness, it is more important than your job.

Your world leaders are in a very difficult position and need light energy and wisdom, dear reader, so send this to them in your meditations.

Do not forget to enjoy these times as well, joy and laughter are the opposite of war. Beautiful times are coming and you will certainly be a part of this.

Giving you all my blessings and love.”

January 2022 – Create your own future and stand by it

“Dear Reader,

Difficult times are not yet over, but your inner knowledge grows daily. Keep looking at the situation from a distance. What are the lines the politicians want you to follow and what are your own lines? Which way do you want to go? Connect with people who choose the same path as you and meet regularly to share your experiences. Take care not to sit in your house without friends, acquaintances or kindred spirits. The challenge is yours now to reach out to others and to choose your line of direction consciously.
Know that the world will be OK. Try to express your wishes for the world every day by a short prayer or ritual. That way you are connecting the great field of wisdom here with the material world. The more connection there is, the quicker the change.
Look at this time also as a great step forwards for yourself. You are the one who needs to stand powerfully now and who speaks up for what you think and wish. This way you are moulding your future and you are doing this together with people of the same mind.
Do not be afraid of what may happen when you voice your opinion, just do it and you will see that this empowers you. You are creating a possibility for the future, you are opening a door through which others may go. It will give you good energy, dear Reader, and it will strengthen you for the coming times.
Do not forget that we are at work here for your happiness and we are bringing you light in dark times”

November-December 2021 – Meet your divine spark

“Dear Reader,

In the times that come you will need the essence of your soul. Know what it is and how you can reach it. The essence of your soul is your divine spark, it is a part of Me, your most sacred essence. Every human being has the same spark inside their soul. When you become conscious of this, it will grow and will become a greater part of your life; it will synchronise with the great wheel of the universe. All sorts of things will happen to you that you just wished or that are necessary at that precise moment. Coincidence? Life is no longer a struggle.

How can you come into contact with your divine spark? That is very simple: just by loving yourself, dear Reader. Send a thought of love to your own heart. In these festive times you will receive many good wishes from friends, relatives and acquaintances. Send one of those to yourself and follow its course: to the essence of your soul. This spark will grow, the more love you put in, the bigger it gets and its radiation grows. So practise this sending of love to your innermost self in the coming days. Know that you are a good person and that the mistakes you make are to learn from and not to keep rehashing every day. Not for nothing is it a learning moment, so do not let it colour your whole history. Heal yourself by increasing your divine spark and letting it expand to its greatest size. When you are doing this, your shadow parts will seem a lot smaller than when you look at them all the time.

My wish for you, dearest one, is that you may see Me through your own divine spark and that you may realise that you and I are One. Know this and nothing bad can happen to you. All blessings to You.”

October 2021 – Inner Power

“Dear Reader,

Look at the world and ask yourself what you can do to improve it. Your thoughts immediately go to the outside world and everything around you, but when you realise that every thought is a creation, you can change the world with positive thoughts. In this way you will do more for the animals, plants, the earth and your fellow men than when you go out there with your doubts to heal the world. What I want for you is to discover this unlimited inner source of power and that you are going to use it. I will ask you therefore to visualise this source every day. If you are a creative person, make a creation of it, draw, paint, make a model in clay or stone. Put your heart into it. If you are not creative, perhaps you are good with words; describe this great source. You might say: I’m neither creative nor a linguist! Well dear Reader, not to worry! You are just going to stand there and feel the energy well up inside you, making you feel the leader of your own life. You are in charge. Your power is greater than that of an army. Do you remember the photograph of the man in Tiananmen Square holding back an army tank just by standing there? Feel that force of just one human being.
You have no idea what other powers are inside you, dear Reader. You have immense powers that are always there. The more you wish to do good, the bigger that power gets. It has to do with the energy of love the universe is made of.
When you get up in the morning, stretch out and feel My love and power bubble up inside you. Your day will be better and you will be an example for all.”

September 2021 – Loneliness

“Dear Reader,

The end of summer is in sight and you are all preparing for a time of retreat, but not of loneliness. Loneliness is an illusion, dear Reader. You may be alone and needing company, but know that you can always create this yourself. You are always in control of your own life. The cause of loneliness is often not being able or daring to reach out, caused by things that happened in the past. These things need to be looked at and to be let go of lovingly. Look at yourself with love. Accept those little things that are in the way of being your greatest self. Accept them and then let them go. Letting go means seeing that they are no longer important for your present and future. Look at these old things with a wink and let them go. You are above them now. Whenever you are in a mood that nothing comes out of your hands, force yourself to do something, even if it is only opening your mail, decluttering your desk or cleaning something small. This creates fire in your body and when this fire is lit, it allows you to go on. It also has influence on your mental state. Should you be unable to do this, go outside for a minute, go to your balcony or stick your head out of the window. Walk outside for a couple of minutes. These moods of apathy can only be overcome by some bodily activity. Your mental system will start to work again.
You should be able to feel your inner power again and you will be able to think of a structure for the day’s activities. These need only be three things, but do try do do them. One of them should always be a ten minute meditation. This gives you back your original place in the greater whole. You are then centered in your body consciousness, and you will feel connected with My world. It is very important to take the initiative to reach out to the heavens; by asking a question, uttering a wish or expressing gratitude or joy. We wil react directly on this. When you still feel lonely, think of a few things you are grateful for. Think yourself out of this negative feeling, dear Reader. Gratitude is the best means to do this. Gratitude is abundance, loneliness is scarcity. Always believe in abundance, also in that what you now think you are lacking. Take all responsibility for your own life and know that when you do this, I will support it, but the initiative has to come from you.
I promise you great results, dear Reader.“

August 2021 – Time for contemplation

“Dear Reader,

There is still freedom before the restrictions will apply again. My advice to you is to look at everything you have and to ask yourself if there is anything of importance that you need to purchase. I would do that in the coming weeks because now you can walk about and make your choices in freedom. This is not tot make you afraid, dear reader, you will always be able to do your shopping, but you will have to uphold the pleasure in doing so when the restrictions are imposed. What I ask of you is to prepare yourself for another period of lockdown, but also one of reflection, of realising: I have a good, warm house, my clothes are OK and I can now leave the material world as it is and go within. The coming months will give you that. Take your time for this process. Look what you have learned the past year and see what you can do with that wisdom. Do not worry, that is the most important piece of advice. When you are not feeling well, try to do something about it, preferably with natural cures.
In a period of lockdown it is better not to make huge changes in your lifestyle unless it is really necessary.
There comes an end to these times and then the world will celebrate. Visualise that moment, dear reader, and keep on seeing the advantages of every situation. It is good mind training to move along with flexibility and still to go your own way. It is time for you all to form your own opinion and to realise that all information is clearly laid out, you only have to look for it.
Use this time as one of contemplation. Radiant energy is omnipresent and eternal. Know that you can always tap into this eternal source of energy, happiness, love, faith and prosperity.
Try to hold on to this positive energy. Meditate daily and you may utter your wishes then, for yourself and for the world. Make your house beautiful so you enjoy entering your home. Tidy up and heal the space by cleaning. It is not the disinfecting that is important, but the energetic cleanliness of your living space. Then the energy can flow freely.
These are all pieces of advice to stay happy and healthy, dear reader. Know that you will come out of all this on a higher energy level.”

June/July 2021 – Keep up your high energy level in the field of unity

Dear Reader,

Try not to worry in these chaotic and confusing times. In the meantime you have found a way to live with a positive mind and to block those influences you do not want in your life. Learn to think in energy instead of matter. It means that when you stay high energetically, negative influences will not touch you. Staying high in energy means to accept yourself, love yourself and to know that you are doing well because your intentions are good. If that is the case, every action is good, no matter the result, it is the intention that counts.
Your commitment to your life’s assignment is also important. If you do not yet know what that is, try to find it. The wish to do so is the key to your answers. These can reach you directly or via someone else.
Another piece of advice is that you should not be afraid to be infected, in whatever form. People are afraid whether they are injected or not. This fear lowers your frequency.
Try to see everyone as your brother or sister. This is not so much for the others as for yourself. When you feel that everyone and everything is one, a certain field opens before you. This is the great field of love, energy and information and it will bring you further. Hang on to the feeling of universal love, also for the person who has a different opinion than you. Even for the group of people who are responsible for this health crisis. They also are part of the greater whole. The more clear this becomes, the more often they are invited to see the other side. When you keep them separate from the feeling of unity, they are being confirmed in their evil deeds because they feel that there is no other way available. If they are being included constantly in the energy of unity, the possibility remains for them to see the light.
This is what I ask of you, dear readers. Always be connected in love with yourself and with Me. My love for you always remains, that is the eternal spark that Is.

May 2021 – Do not stray off your life’s path

Dear Reader,

In these times it is still difficult to remain in balance. I would like to advise you to continue your life calmly in the midst of the chaos in the world. If you are worrying and panicking about the situation in the world you will be unable to continue your path intuitively. You will be outside yourself and be dragged along by the emotions that are roaring in the astral layers. These layers have never brought any solutions, dear reader. Best is to concentrate on your own path. Your intuition is always the guideline in your life, connecting you with Me and My world.
If you can remain positive about your own path, you will radiate that positive energy, alleviating the suffering in the world. The more people do this, the more beautiful the world becomes and the quicker an end comes to the crisis. First secure this positive energy in your own life. When you wake up, give a word of welcome to life and make a small schedule of what you want to do that day. Put in some nice things and make it not too full, leave some space open for Me to fill your day.
When you live in this joy, you will help others that are in trouble. Do not think that suffering with them will help them, energetically it is just the reverse. Don’t forget these people though, you can say a short prayer for those who have lost a loved one or who are unable to do their jobs because of the crisis.
Stay positive regarding your own life and life in general. All will be well, this crisis has an end. It is important to define yourself as an earthling with divine energy. It is this divine energy that can help you to solve earthly problems. Never forget this higher aspect of yourself.”

April 2021 – Meditation exercise for protection against radiation

Dear Reader,

The radiation that is sent by mobile telephones and other man-made devices has a far higher frequency than that on which mankind and the world functions. You can feel it course through you, it is as if your body is electrically charged.

What I would like to give you is an exercise to deal with high frequency radiation like 5G and to partially neutralise its energy. This will take about ten minutes. You may record this message in your own voice and use it as a meditation. There is a spoken version of this meditation on this website under the header Meditations

1 Sit down, take your time and feel your normal energy course through your body. You may feel a tingle in your hands and on your body. It is also possible that you will hear a high tone in your ears, that is the sound of your energy channels.

Are you comfortable? Then go a little higher and feel your energy field, your aura. How does it feel outside your body? Can you feel what you radiate at 40 centimetres, or 80? You may use your hand to reach out to these distances, feel as if you are holding a balloon between you and your hand.

2 Then give your attention to your heart and solar plexus, your 4th and 3rd chakras. These are the two centres that need to work together to generate your field of power. Visualise a rotating sun made by your 3rd and 4th chakras combined, expanding to your whole trunk.
This energy flows also into your aura so the back of your body will be protected as well. Feel the power of this light envelop you and warm you.

3 Now I will ask you to go with your attention to your feet and especially to the area just below the ball of your foot, almost in the middle of your foot-sole. This is the location of your foot chakras where the earth energy enters your body and where you can communicate with the earth. The power that flows back from you into the earth is one of love and gratitude. This way a circulation is formed. Your body is in fact an extension, an instrument of Mother Earth. She gives you the great life energy in your body to live and to orient yourself, every moment of your life. This magnetic energy is also absorbed by the red blood cells that contain iron and give your body a certain charge.
Feel this magnetic power, this primordial vibration that the earth gives you, entering your feet and flowing into your body.

4 Keep concentrating on your feet and connect this primal frequency to the rotating sun of your heart and solar plexus. Together this becomes a great spiral, a vortex of energy. It begins slowly, then increases in power.
Say to yourself: I am now switching on this connection!
You are becoming a power station of earth energy. The power of the vortex will increase to great proportions. It has a conical shape, small at the start and increasing in diameter. This power is now switched on and radiating. You will be able to feel this.

Do not be surprised if this spiralling energy flows to the left one day and to the right the other day. The reason for this is that there are different forces to be reckoned with  in the earth, in yourself and in the cosmos. The body adjusts itself automatically to that.

5 Then move your attention to your head and feel the space in between your ears.
Then feel the space between your 6th chakra and the back of your head.
The point of intersection of these two is the power point of your head. It will radiate through your third eye, your 6th chakra. Feel this power point now.
Let it then expand into a force field that will encompass your whole head like a cloud. You may also visualise it as a violet cloud or flame.

6 Then connect the earth magnetic power from your feet, via the vortex to your 6th chakra.
All energies come together and flow via your body into your aura.
Your connection to the earth is now well established.

7 Now you are going to make the connection with the highest powers. You can do this by imagining the silver chord that starts at your seventh chakra on the crown of your head, and reaches out into the heavens. This is where faith and heavenly love now enter your energy field.
Feel this flow into you as a last addition to your radiating power.
Then you say to yourself: I am now switching on my intuitive power for myself, the earth and all beings!
This mixture also flows into the earth so that she will benefit from your protection.

Now you have an aura full of powerful, harmonic radiation.
Feel this power for a few moments.


Practise this and you will feel results when the 5G-radiation becomes active. It will not prevent the radiation from reaching you, you may still feel electrically charged, but the damage it can do will be lessened.

Do this exercise twice a day: once when you get up in the morning and once when you go to sleep.”

March 2021 – Self-protection

“Dear Reader,

The most important thing that you have to ask is: does this vaccine help me against another virus? It is not yet proven that a vaccine can be created against a virus because it mutates so quickly that one is always behind the facts.
What I want for you, dear reader, is that you, by using your intuition, can decide for yourself without being swept hither and dither by all the stories that go around. When you read an article, something inside yourself has to wake you up and tell you: this is true or false. That is what I want to ask of you; try to look at the world intuitively. Ask yourself logical questions and feel the energy of the people who give their talks. What kind of energy do they radiate? It is not always clear immediately, but in combination with what they have to say you can usually get a clear picture. Do not let yourself be swept away by grand government campaigns. Ask yourself: What is the payoff for the government to do this? This vaccine campaign is not created to save people’s lives. Various farmaceutical companies have researched vaccines in Africa and thousands of people have died. In this case the vaccine is a preamble for a controlled society. What I would like to stress is: stay honest, with a pure view. Try not to be persuaded to take in chemicals of which you do not know what they do. With the current technology it is possible to inject all sorts of chemicals that gather information and that can also control the body. The doctors who participated in the research were told that they were going to develop something to save an organ, or to decrease the mortality rate of certain diseases. The research however was meant for other purposes. These things are being revealed now.
If you have doubts about this message, I will ask you one thing: how bad would it be to get a virus that would make you fairly ill for a few weeks but would give you immunity for that kind of virus for the rest of your life. So if you do not believe this, refuse the vaccine and accept the risk that you may become infected next year by one virus or another. That will be a smaller risk than taking the vaccine now and having your DNA mutate, which can never be reversed again. The vaccine is a cocktail that weakens the body. You might say: OK, but I would like to be able to travel again and go on holiday. Try  to see your health and your freedom of choice as your highest good. What is the price of a holiday if you have to be vaccinated for it with something that will change your life for the worst for ever?
So try to look at life from a different angle, dear reader. The time will come that you will be able to travel freely again, but maybe not this year and perhaps not even next year.
We are not idle either, but this is something that makes you grow as an individual by standing up for yourself.
Beautiful times are coming after these, my dear children, so keep up your courage and keep standing for what you believe in.”

Here follows an addition of some of my own questions that may be clarifying.
Dear God,
On social media I have read a post by an energy therapist about the vaccine. She says that the vaccine disconnects the soul from the body and its other light bodies, so that the soul is not able to govern the body anymore. Is this correct?
“Not entirely, although her observations are correct that the boundaries between the light body and the physical body are interrupted. The soul stays in the body at all times. It is becoming more difficult for the soul to contact the body when man interferes with the DNA structure in the body. You see the same with genetically engineered plants, their soul retreats more and more and the life force disappears from the plant. So the more interference in the blueprint of man, the more difficult it is to reach one’s deepest essence.
Your intuition becomes numb and the soul cannot do her work anymore. Compare it to a car where someone who has no knowledge of engines, rummages around with its electrical system.
With every subsequent vaccine that is taken, more damage is done to the conductivity from the ethereal system to the physical body. These are the nerves, but also the light body that translates your life’s blueprint and lowers its frequency so that the physical body can understand the divine message and act it out. This vaccine pushes man down into his body and prevents the higher senses to penetrate the physical body.

You have once said that when mankind is going tot interfere with life’s blueprints, You will take action.
“That is correct, my dear. Make a note of this because I am already doing this. There is a part that I have to act out alone and I cannot give any more information about this as it would interfere with its outcome.“

About the people who are taking the vaccine, they are ignorant, not evil. Still, their DNA will never be the same again.
“These people will be supported by us, they have to experience a part of the consequence themselves however, because their choice was made out of free will..”

If irreparable damage is done to the physical body by genetic modification, does the soul stay intact?
“The soul stays intact when she has had no part in the wish to cause damage. If there is a wish to damage the body or that of another, the wish is taken along with the soul when it is time to go, because the soul will have to work out these actions.”

February 2021 – Concentrate on your ascension process

“Dear Reader,

You have not been able to see each other as often as you should in the past months. Keep on sending love to each other though. If there are rules that prevent the exchange of love, one should deal with them according to your own judgement. Love is essential to life and is the building block of the universe. No rule can go against that. Keep thinking as I do, dear reader and that is thinking in love, happiness and possibilities. Do not forget that you are in a process of transformation in which your energy level is rising. This ascension is unstoppable by whatever rule possible.
Meditate daily for ten minutes. Visualise a beautiful current of heavenly energy feeding you constantly via your heart and the crown of your head. Imagine breathing in this energy which feeds your aura.
In these times your focus should go to your own energetic process. You will become conscious of everything that is invisible, but still present. In fact, the essence of the human being lies in this invisible realm and not in matter. You may always reach out to Me, dear reader, I hear you and will always answer you; you and I are One. Keep on reaching for My heavens with your consciousness and you will be empowered.
You will need this power in the coming months. Fear is not necessary; it lowers your consciousness. Keep thinking in love and unity and your fear will disappear.
Have faith in yourself that this time is an opportunity for you to grow energetically and to develop into who you really are. You have My blessing, my dear.”

January 2021 – Take off the rucksack of the past and be free

“Dear Readers,

You are still finding yourself in an unreal situation and this will continue to be so for a while. These circumstances are here also for you to go through an inner transformation. Many of you have realised this already; you are looking at the greater picture and feel what you really need while standing stronger in your convictions.
In these times you are all invited to heal yourselves. To do this you have to look at those memories that are surfacing now and bringing back old grief. Feel this grief, anger, aggression and possibly jealousy; do they still have a function? Are they still serving you or is it only a hindrance? Can you quietly leave them in the past and go on with a clean heart? For most of you, the latter is the case, but it is still necessary to look at it with attention. After that you may take off the rucksack of the past.
This is an invitation for a new era, to go and stand for who you are as a human being and for what you want in life. Even in these times, and I would almost say: especially in these times, you will get the opportunity to do this. You will have to grab the opportunity yourself when it comes, dear reader, take it in both hands. Set your boundaries, guard your inner light so that it keeps shining. Keep doing nice things and keep seeing possibilities opening up more and more.
The restrictions that are put upon you are an invitation to open up your feeling of freedom and to celebrate this. Look at it from this angle and you will feel great. A lighter, happier and more powerful you. This is the new humankind emerging.”

December 2020 – Concentrate on the idea of connectedness

“Dear Reader,

In all respects you have a difficult year behind you. In all respects you did a great job. Your courage and inner power have surfaced and many of you have suddenly received intuitive powers. This is because of the pressure that is put upon you by society. In such moments the soul speaks up and makes her wishes known and clear powers may spring forth. In the coming months you will have to look at things from a different angle. My great wish for you in this Christmas period is that you will live in unity and love for each other.
It does not make a lot of difference if one believes in all the Covid-rules and the other does not. What is important is the respect you give each other. Both believe to be right, but these are small differences, dear reader. The idea of unity and connectedness has a much higher frequency than the differences in opinion. By concentrating on the idea of unification, all people will understand what is going on. So if you want to grow as an individual and as humanity as a whole, try to see all the inhabitants of planet Earth as one big family.
Peace in yourself is important in the coming year. This means contemplation, going within and joy.
Do not look at what is impossible but see what you can do and how surprisingly good this may turn out. This Christmas will be one of the most special of the last seventy years. You are the ones who decide which way humanity will go. The large picture is guarded by Me, , but each of you has a beautiful task in the great whole. Know yourself connected with Me and look at the future with joy and optimism. You have all the tools to create paradise on earth, even now.
All My blessings are with you, dear readers.”

Extra message Nov 2020 -Truth and knowledge in turbulent times

How do we keep standing in the storm?
How do we know what is true and wat is not?

Dear Reader,
Herewith please find a document that came into being after a channeled reading I did in the North of Holland last week. the tone is more serious than you are accustomed to from God, but do feel the positive underlying tone and the inner power that will surface in you when you read it.
Not everything that is predicted need come true. If all of us stand for our own truth, we can withstand the tide of chaos and confusion.
Know that we are with thousands who want to stand up for the light. Do not feel lonely, connect with the network of light that radiates around the earth.
Wishing you all the best,
With a greeting of love,

Why this crisis at this moment?
– great shift from dark to light, we are now balancing on the edge.
– some things are certain in the greater plan of the earth.
What is Gods influence herein?
-”I direct the great shift, but am not concerned with the details.”
(details also have divine guidance, but at a different level)
-”I help every individual”
-”It is possible that things go wrong, but that the overall direction of the great plan is right.”

What is going to happen?
-”Stronger measures regarding shopping. A lot of smaller shops will be forced to close, the larger ones remain open.
– the suppliers will be threatened and forced to lower their prices
– farmers will only be allowed to supply to companies attached to the top layer (cabal) and their multinationals.
– salaries will still be paid, but your paying history will be monitored and banks will demand guarantees for everything. So a small loan will have to be secured by something enormous like a house or a car.
– your work situation is not pleasurable because you also work with people who have different opinions, and distrust is stimulated by the government by introducing the so called snitch system.
– medically man is outlawed and forced to submit to vaccinations.
-specialists are denied access to their patients, except when they are performing surgery, so that they cannot talk and advise patients, that will be done by the government.
-people have to submit to a checkup when applying for an official document, like a passport, ID-card or drivers license. When you want to go somewhere, you must be traceable and be compliant to medical treatment (vaccination).
– the new generation of mobile phones will become cheaper, so that people will buy a 5G telephone more quickly. The frequencies will be enhanced in the coming months, in this way that damage to man and nature seems not related to 5G.
-there are people who are susceptible to radiation. They have to be sedated by anti-depressants and tranquillizers.
-scientists are only allowed to publish their works in approved journals.
– the media are already part of the top layer, they are easiest to manipulate.
– publishers are under scrutiny and certain books will be refused in the shops. The ones who sell them anyway are fined.
-schools will be tested on the way they apply the rules. Teaching programmes are going to change but this is not yet happening.
-the legal sector has to pay the fine of having been dormant too long regarding interference of the government.”

What is the time-frame of all this?
“This is difficult to estimate, I expect opposition from the side of the good and the light.
If this opposition comes, it can be over in a few years. Do not forget that the preparation of this plan has taken decades. The problem is that people just go along and do not (dare to) see the danger. If there is no opposition, it could take a decade.
I have a long term plan for Earth and her inhabitants. This plan will not be changed. I will get back to this later.”

How do we know what is true and what is not?
“Truth is eternal, it is not something that changes. Something is true when it fits into the great cosmic order I have created. By tuning in to your deepest divine centre, you connect with this order and can feel if something feels right or not.
I give every person the truth in his heart.
Intuition and power of observation are important.
The most important thing is that man chooses truth. (Which means coming into your inner power and voicing the wish to serve the truth).”

What can be the obstructions to feel this clarity?
“To be very deep into personal problems
To have denied your self so much that you do not know who you are anymore and what your opinions are.
To be under great pressure from rules or others.”

What can you do about this?
“Do the visualisation I am going to give you
Go with your consciousness to a higher plane, so distance yourself from troubles and restrictions, seek the plane of insight (voice this wish) and you will get a clear vision.”

Visualisation exercise from God:

Stay happy and healthy

1 Slowly let yourself glide into My grace
Pretend getting into a warm bath. The water carries you, in this case you will be
enveloped and carried by the divine field of love and light.
2 Light your inner flame
Increase the light in your heart that is part of your deepest divine core.
3 Feel the light flow into your being
This light increases and is answered by every cell that starts to radiate
4 Let the light flow into your aura via your heart chakra
Open your heart chakra and let the light flow out. The source is everlasting.

Do this exercise every day when you wake up

How do we keep standing in the storm?
“First of all by letting the truth take root inside yourself. You are truth and you stand by it.
Here follow some concrete directions.
– Do not try to convince difficult people with a different opinion. Go for a discussion if you like, but do this after checking if it is worth the trouble. Do not waste energy on people who cannot be convinced.
– Give voice to your own standpoint. Make yourself stronger in the knowledge that you are greater than man is now.
– Be yourself and do not waver when someone is trying to control you.
– Check your standpoint with someone who has the same opinion. Try to gather as many facts as possible and remember them.”

The storm
“People will behave differently in the coming months. They will become more panicky, are irritated quickly and scare easily. Do not take part in this. Concentrate on your breathing and feel your own power with every breath.

Rules will become more strict and closer to home. Stay informed about these rules and check them according to your own convictions. See if there is a middle ground.

Hoarding? I do not see the necessity yet to stock great amounts of food. Do make a list of things that will keep a long time and put a box of these foodstuffs in your attic. Some extra candles are all right too.
The question may arise: Will there be war? Partly, dear readers. You are already dealing with a war-like sitiation. Keep feeling free at all times however.
The foodshops will be the last to close. The shops connected to the top layer and the multinationals will stay open.
When you choose to go with the accepted opinion, nothing seems out of the ordinary and you can keep using all facilities. It is the businesses who fall outside their sphere of influence that they want to close.
So you have a choice whether you will engage in an almost war-like situation. It takes some preparation not to take part in the general opinion of the topmost layer, the cabal.”

Should you confront the general opinion?
“My advice is to follow the suggestions I have given in this document (stand firm in your inner power, check the info with the truth) and then consider if it is worth your trouble to fight on the side of the light. I will not condemn anyone who does not dare to do this, dear reader. Every person has his path in life with different sets of problems and it depends on where this person is on his path, how he reacts to all he encounters.
For the ones who do choose the light and who dare to stand up for their choice, it is important to know what you are getting into.

You will be going down a road on which you must forego a number of things that are part of the universal rights of man.
– you cannot say what you think in every situation.
– you cannot go anywhere you like anymore.
– you cannot organise big gatherings anymore
– you will not be able to get medical help everywhere anymore
– be conscious of the fact that you are being watched or tracked, that is on the street and with communication, like computer and telephone.
Know that all these restrictions should not keep you from being yourself and doing what you think is right. The only thing is that you will need to do the above in a different way. Think creative and recreate your life as before the crisis. Keep faith in a good ending, keep up your courage and do not let your light diminish.”

What about counterforce?
“There should and will be a counterforce. People who choose this path must appeal to the truth and individual freedom. One may put this into action, light and love will always prevail.
I never call for violence, but neither do I call for being a victim of violence that has been done to you, and the destruction of man as a free thinking individual. You have a right to defending yourself, dear reader. Do not forget that most martial arts are the result of Oriental pacifist monks defending themselves and their temples against attackers.
Here we touch on the theme of action versus violence to you by outsiders.”

May God call for action?
“In my realms here there is no violence. Violence is an expression of the duality between mind and matter. Creation is veering towards the absence of violence, simply because this will not be necessary anymore. As long as humanity (in case of Earth) is still at a point in its evolution that man does not really understand who he is and why he exists on earth, there will be violence. Violence springs from ignorance.
Violence is a part of your society to solve conflicts because you have not yet reached the stage that you can do this in a peaceful, harmonious way.
One should make a difference between the result or consequence of an act (violence in this case) and its reason. If a father sees how his small daughter is beaten and sexually assaulted, I will give him permission to use violence against the attackers so that the attack stops. The father is now not yet at a stage that he can demobilise the attackers energetically. Violence is a temporary solution in a society that is not highly evolved.
It is not the form therefore as well as the reason why it is used. Look at the reason why the whole world is now in a crisis situation. It is the consequence of an evil plan to reduce the world population and submit the rest to a small group of people that are in control. How well the intentions may be for the continuation of existence on earth (with a small population most of the problems regarding food and environment are solved), they may not do this by committing genocide. The are playing God which I will not allow.

Every person must come to the conclusion that things cannot go on like this and that there should be fewer materialism, no more torture of fellow earthlings, no more feelings of superiority of the human race. The risk we all take is that humanity will not reach this goal in time and that the world will be destroyed (by nuclear and biological weapons etc.). So be it. That risk is real. Man may however not decide at the expense of another man and he may not take My place.
My plan with the Earth and humanity lies before Me. It is aleady known to some of you. It is a beautiful plan in which Light will triumph.
I am calling on you to act. Not in violence, but in halting the supremacy of a few over many and stopping the destruction of the basic values of man, animal, vegetable, mineral and Earth itself.”

When does God intervene?
About good and evil.
“I have planned the development of earth. We here keep an eye on things and only intervene when the great cosmic balance is in danger. For the rest you have the freedom of creating your own world and learning the lessons that are necessary.
Now we have a situation that mankind walks towards a path that is directly opposite to My will. A great intervention in the freedom and health of mankind by a small group of people like it is happening now is not permitted. Still, I have to give you the opportunity to solve this problem. This is now underway, more and more sounds of resistance and a refusal to comply are heard.
You will ask yourself if I have created the Corona crisis. I have not. This is a purely human plan, concocted by a few people of power who want to increase that power to that extent, that they want to play Me. That is not going to happen. I am letting you all solve these problems yourselves, but am watching on the side-line and correcting where necessary. I help good people to live their lives in the way that they can do everything they want without becoming a victim of the mental pressure that lies on mankind at the moment. The most delicate piece of matter stays under My command, dear reader. Good vibes come from Me, via you, into being. The fact remains that you are the solution for these problems.
Of course I do not abandon you all, I work through you. You may wonder if I also work through the topmost layer of power, the cabal who wants to destroy society. Yes, I also work through them, but I am not a part of their evil, they choose that themselves. I keep knocking on the door of their soul to go the way of unity and love for mankind. They too have guardian angels and spiritual guides who are trying to let the good prevail. When someone chooses evil however, and lets the ego grow so big that it deafens the voice of the soul, one gets another management over oneself. The ego attracts negative energy from the astral world. These may be entities who feed on negative emotions, as power, greed, revenge and anger. These emotions make the entity stronger but weaken the person. Man himself does not notice this because the entity tunes in into the energy level of the person, so it’s presence is almost imperceptible. The assignments come from the entity while man thinks it is from himself. If the soul could have her voice, she would have warned man long before against the presence of these intruders, but as man deafens his soul, he cannot hear her.
There are a number of people who are consciously evil. They are people who live healthily, often with great spiritual knowledge, but they use that knowledge by bringing evil to earth, which they can control. They can rule over these evil entities and give them a direction and an assignment to wreak havoc. These people are in power now. They do not show themselves, but work behind the scenes. It is My intention that they become known by name and face. You can then remove the evil from them so that their position of power weakens and ultimately disappears.
These are not easy assignments. You cannot just visualise a field of light around these people and send the entities home. This will be the work of very compenent light workers and shamans. They are aware of their assignments, but they bide their time. They are to be found in all corners of the world and are invisible to the evil people. Their frequency is so high that they cannot be noticed by powers that work against the light.

There is evil in the universe too and this can be attracted by the earth because it is not in balance. You can compare it to a person who is off-colour and thus more susceptible to a cold or influenza. These times show a planet earth who is off balance and is at risk to cosmic evil. The evil people I talked about, are also active in space politics. By sending all sorts of satellites into space with the intent to do evil (mass-control and destruction), they put themselves under the influence of that evil as they do not have the protection of the earth`s atmosphere. I do not mean the astronauts in their space capsules, but the commercial exploitation of the ultra-rich. They are extra susceptible to cosmic evil and these frequencies are very difficult to remove from their auras. When they are touched by this evil, they feel an enormous physical surge of power and an impulse to control that is unstoppable.

Now I am coming closer to intervening, dear reader. When the people who are touched by cosmic evil want to continue destroying mankind, I have the power to intervene. The risk for universal imbalance is present, and in that case I must act. Of course the earth is part of the universe, but life in the universe has been created such that every planet has its own sphere of influence, in which it may realise its own great plan.
So when man dares out of the earth’s influence, other laws are in force. This also applies to astronauts, but their work is directed towards earth and mostly scientific and not directed at mass destruction.
The plan is that I will intervene together with you, the good ones, but the time to do this has not yet come. You will recognise the signs when it is going to happen.”

What can you do now?
“See yourself as a warrior of the light, someone who listens to his soul and trusts in what she has to say. Someone who keeps believing in the good and consciously chooses this side. Someone who knows that the solution lies in the knowledge that all is one and that violence against no matter what is violence against himself. Keep believing in yourself, dear reader, you who has such power that one person could end this whole global problem, if only you’d believe in that power. Think of an atom and know the power it gives when one would split it (which is not the right thing to do by the way), look at the power of matter, you have a power a billion times more because you are imbued with My power.
This belief, this faith in yourself, in your goodness, in your connection with Me, in the knowledge that you are a divine being, is the solution to these problems.”

November 2020 – Some advice for the coming months

”Dear Reader,

At the moment you cannot tell which way the world is going and the same goes for your own life. Know that things are going to be all right, this is your starting point.
Do not bring too much negative energy from the world inside your house. Make your house and garden (if you have one) a bulwark of positive energy. Buy some candles and light them every day. Make your house festive.
Do not take too much money out of the bank, but make sure you have some cash money available at home. This is handy in case of an ATM breakdown. All sorts of small incidents will happen in the coming months and it is good to be mentally prepared for this. I will not recommend that you start hoarding, that is not necessary, but it is good to realise that there comes a time in which not everything will be available anymore, as it was before the crisis. Small companies that provide you with food are under pressure. The farmers are under pressure, their hands are tied.
So take the opportunity in the coming months to buy intelligently. There are moments that you wish to go shopping and buy some nice things. Do that, but make sure that your clothes are functional, good and durable. Once again, I am not saying it is a prelude to war, but I would like to prepare you all mentally so that you keep seeing your life as beautiful and your attitude is one of gratitude.
At the same time I am calling for responsibility and standing up for oneself. You have the talent to make something out of nothing and to see everything in proportion. Let the essence of your life come up, dear reader and see this as a basis for the coming festive season.
I help every person and talk to every one of you. Find a quiet place and try to hear My voice, my dears. Meditate, empty your head and relax your mind. Then ask a question and try to receive the answer. Knowledge will come to you. I speak to the mind of everyone, the easiest way is via intuition and perception. Practise this, dear reader and you will feel stronger and more connected with everything around you.”

October 2020 – Freedom is a state of being

Dear Reader,

Every one of you asks himself what is to become of this world. What will the future bring? Will the time ever come back where everyone is free, to travel, to meet friends, to go to a concert, to meet up in a nice café or pub? All these things will be coming back, dear reader, but in a slightly different way than you are used to.
Know that nobody can take your freedom away from you. You may be locked up, threatened, even killed, but this does not take away your freedom. Freedom is a state of being and as long as you feel free, you are free, whatever a government or some other group who seeks control, may ask of you.
You should not let yourself be directed from one way to another, though. You may stand up and voice your opinion, that will give you the feeling of freedom. So do whatever you want. If you feel trapped, go outside and take a breath of fresh air and know that nobody can take away your freedom.
You always have your power to act, your own free will, however curbed it may be. Keep following your own path and keep in touch with friends. It does not matter how, but stay connected, dear reader. I cannot say this often enough. The real freedom to do what you want is in yourself and that gives you the space to do what you want. However small that space may be, you always have a choice.
And I will always be with you, dear reader.”

September 2020 – Organise small meditation-circles to heal yourself and the earth

“Dear Reader,

In all respects you have achieved a great deal during the past months, to get through this period of corona-’flu. I can see how much trouble, pain and sadness it has cost you. For the first time in decades you get the feeling that there is an enormous difference in what is said and what is true. These times are misleading because it is a world-wide problem and one cannot feel the support of another part of the world that has a different opinion. This is partly the cause of the mass media, but these also have a great connecting power, dear reader. However, the greatest power lies within yourself and now is the time to tap into that power. This is to improve your life, but also to help the world.
I would like to invite you to form small groups and to do something together. That may be meditating, where you learn to concentrate and to increase your level of consciousness. You could choose the subject of the meditation so that every time a different part of the earth will be healed by your light and love.
You could also choose a book of your liking and read and discuss it together. Talk about life too. Keep the group small, no more than ten people, and take care that everyone gets an equal share of attention. This will give the earth the loving energy that she needs. Your troubles will always be rewarded, it will do all concerned a lot of good.”

August 2020 – Keep your integrity and stay happy

“Dear Reader,

You are all working towards a new order and this happens in spite of all the problems with the new rules that are imposed on you. Know that our divine order exists above the layer that decides upon these rules, and this order must be obeyed whatever happens. So do not be afraid that the corona crisis will result in a confinement for every citizen. Transforming times are at hand, dear reader. You can contribute to that by carrying on doing what you like to do best and to keep an eye on your integrity. Keep on speaking your mind. If you do not like the way things go, say so and do not try to accept things that you do not agree with. Sometimes it is impossible not to compromise, that is all right, but these situations are exceptions.
You are very important for the development in the world, dear reader, your voice counts. Keep your eyes on your greater goal and make it work. Stay happy too, take a break every now and then and go for a walk in the countryside. Keep your connection to the earth and her inhabitants.
What I can also advise you is to meditate daily for a quarter of an hour. Choose a convenient time and try to find the emptiness in yourself. Out of this emptiness your soul will speak forth. It is very important to put aside your thoughts for a while every day. This will help you a lot in the coming months.
Do not forget that I will always be there and that the responsibility for the happiness of the world is not only onto you all.”

June/July 2020 – Stay unified and connected to the network of light

“Dear Reader,

I see a great polarity in your opinions about the current crisis. In every respect it is important to hang on to the idea of oneness, of unity, and to know that the love for yourself is the basis for loving everything around you. Make this connection every day. Do this also with the people who, according to you, do not understand at all how things stand; take them into this thought of unity and connect them with the greater whole. When they make this connection, they will also begin to see the truth about what is going on. Do not think of two sides but think in unification. This also applies to politics and the institutions whose reaction to the crisis is very different because they have a different agenda. Connect politics with the thought of truth. That thought of truth is the great network of light that spreads around the earth and connects it to All that Is.
When there is an uproar, focus your energy on it and connect that place and the people (or living beings) there to the light and thus heal the damage that is done there. This may only take a second or two. The energy and the focus of your thoughts are the key.
As for yourself, dear reader, remember that you can still live in happiness and that this happiness does not lie in the things you cannot do anymore or that are prohibited.
Happiness is inside you and make space for that every day. Every person is connected to the great network of light, love and happiness. When you have lost your connection, just reconnect again by thinking about it. Pick up that thread of light and be filled with this healing energy of love. The connection with Me and Everything that Is, is the foundation of human happiness. Keep remembering this and you will always stand strong.”

May 2020 – Enjoy your freedom

“Dear Reader,

Now is the time to reclaim your freedom again, this means physically to look for that situation in which you can move freely, and mentally to keep touching that freedom. Do not think: I am being constricted in my movements; but think constantly: Everything is possible. Then a new energy field opens, causing you to feel much happier.

It is difficult to get the correct information about the corona virus. The whole world is engaged in it and everyone is confronted by it. We here are also engaged in it, but indirectly. It means that we estimate where our help is most necessary and how it can best be given. You will always be helped by us. You will receive insights, and keep trusting your intuition. If it tells you an imposed measure is not right, go and look for the reason why. This is the time of consciously looking for the truth. Keep doing this, dear reader, also when this time passes and relative peace is restored. You have learned that you are all very flexible and able to do a lot more than you thought you could.

The financial system has received a big dent and this will lead to a financial crisis, so the problems are not over yet. I advise you to think about what would be a good choice to spend your money on. It would be best to spend it on something that gives you enormous pleasure. To leave your money in the bank is not a good idea. Sometimes you have to, but if you have been thinking already to buy something durable, go out and do it, dear reader.

This is concrete and sound advice, sometimes this is necessary. Try taking an hour of rest every day in a beautiful spot in nature. That will give you endurance and energy.
Blessings are with all of you. “

April 2020 – Learn to dance in times of crisis

“Dear reader,

Difficult times are not yet at an end, but mankind’s energy level is much higher now than before the crisis. People appreciate their core values again and their gratitude towards the hard working medical personnel is great. This causes a rise in the level of love-energy on earth. Great improvements may now be made and I notice a problem-solving ability in you all that can be used well in the future. Do not be afraid of the future. Know that you always have yourself and your intuition to judge a situation accurately.
This corona crisis is not something that stands alone. It is an event in a long line of developments that are going to happen with increasing speed. You will be witnessing these moments of chaos during the coming decades, but this is no reason for panic. Every time you will tune in to a situation and you will keep adjusting. In this way you are dancing through life. You are now all invited to dance. This was not the first lesson, dear Reader, this is already the advanced course and you are all doing very well.
Contemplate it all with a smile. Think with love of the people who have lost their lives, send a smile to the hard workers and also to yourself when you get up in the morning. I see togetherness, neighbourly love and a new order emerging in this time. You who are reading this now, have made a choice to play a part in all this. Keep seeing possibilities in your own life, dear Reader. Move along smoothly on the tides of life and know that you will always be supported.”

March 2020 – Build up your immunity by energy work

“Dear Reader,

You are all influenced by the corona-crisis. Know that this will not give negative energy only. Most of you also see the positive side of these difficult times in this upside down world. Everything that has been taken for granted has changed and people are distanced from the community they belong to. And yet you all have moved closer together than in the last few decades. Every person feels connected with others who are touched by the virus, not only the sick but also people who cannot work. According to most of you it is a disaster for society, but we see this in a different light. We are seeing the birth of great initiatives that invite the feeling of unity.

It is important that you build up resilience so that you will not get the virus. In principle almost everybody will get it because it is spead by the wind. It is good to keep thinking positive and to radiate your positive energy from inside. In these times everyone in all layers of society will have to let go of something. I help each of you to keep going. Small things have big consequences, like a positive attitude and the knowledge that this is all temporary and that you can build up immunity without being vaccinated.

I have to mention that the corona virus is something that can remain active but dormant in the body. You may therefore become ill several times. It does not mean that you will die from it, but guard your health energetically. The virus can give you respiratory problems and an almost chronic cough. How can you avoid this? By following the path of your soul, dear reader. By going inside yourself and asking ‘What do I really want’? By listening to the voice from inside that says: ‘I would like another job’. Or:’I am going to do something to raise awareness with people’. It is as simple as that. But it is not as easy to do. I am asking you to concentrate on yourself without losing the world out of sight. When you sit in deep concentration you’ll notice that you and the world are one. Then all your questions will be answered. You will exist in that eternal field in which there are helpers to answer your most urgent questions. So take the time to contact Me. Do not complain about yourself, you are exactly how you should be. Sit down in this knowledge and find your own essence, dear reader. You will be assisted in this by us immediately.”

February 2020 – The Corona-virus

‘Dear Reader,

All of you are now working under the threat of the corona-virus that originated in China. I have not yet reacted to these developments because it has originated in the scientific field. This is a virus that has been engineered by human hands and should be counteracted by human hands as well. It will spread to all parts of the world but you should not worry about this too much, dear reader. I do not say this because it is not dangerous, but because a high energy level is the best remedy against catching this virus. When you are in balance energetically, you will not get it. You may inhale it, but the virus stays inactive because it cannot get a grip in your body. You might say: I cannot sustain this high energy level constantly. That is correct and it is possible that the virus may become active but the chance that this will happen is small.
What you can do about it is to think positive, send love via yourself to others and to the world. Keep on shining, that means taking care of yourself, taking your rest and drawing the line at what you can handle. If you have too much going on, cancel an appointment. This is the best way to keep yourself healthy. Make sure you have a good laugh every day!

About the development of this virus I can say that it will grow on for a while and that this will not be over yet. In any case the world has woken up to see what is happening in the laboratories of some scientific researchers. Man has not been made for this.
There will be a number of fatalities, but this will not exceed a normal epidemic. A virus also has a working curve and will work itself out later on. This should take up a small space in your lives, dear reader. It is good to realise that you still have your life into your own hands and that you have different possibilities. Nothing is ever hopeless.’

January 2020 – Keep up your energy level

“Dear Reader,

Outside of your daily business you have an additional burden and that is the misery on earth, like the fires in Australia. Every one of you is subconsciously influenced by this and many of you have seen the terrible images of people, animals, plants and trees that have lost their lives there. From your own home you can help by keeping strong and sending positive energy; that is love, peace and an invitation to rebuilding the stricken areas.

The people and animals that have passed away have all arrived safely here and are recovering from their last moments. They are being helped in this. So are the trees that have died. They are here in their own sphere and are preparing their renewed existence on earth.
Man often chooses despair and powerlessness. Stay on your original energy level, dear Reader and send love from there. Every positive thought helps; a thought full of suffering does not help. It is important to train yourself in stabilising your energy level. Then draw on your inner source and radiate from within, no matter how difficult the situation. This way you remain part of the great whole and it prevents you from energetic isolation because of negative thoughts.
It also gives you the power to help others. Imagine that your inner source is inexhaustible.

I am busy with alleviating the suffering on earth; you are never alone in this.”

December 2019 – When you go in joy, you will meet joy

“Dear Reader,

Beautiful days are before you. You have great expectations of this holy time and rightly so. Know that you are the one who makes these expectations true by thinking positively, radiating love and looking forward to things. Christmas time is a time of goodness and light all over the world. In the month of December we can see the earth lighting up by all these thoughts of goodness and happy faces. This positive atmosphere also radiates over the people who are struggling and who have nothing to be happy about. Send love to those people, but stay happy and cheerful yourself.
There is a transformation going on in your consciousness at the moment, dear reader. More and more people realize that a lot more love, understanding and inner power should spring from every individual. If you want to make a Christmas wish, I suggest you express the wish that every person may get self love and that they may feel their inner power welling up inside them. If all people would utter this wish simultaneously, the world would transform instantly into paradise.
Difficult moments will always be there, that is life, dear reader, but it is your choice how to see these events. Know that My helpers are at your side and that My angels are behind you to embrace you with their wings. This certainty should be anchored in all of you. Know also that joy is an important part of the great shining path that everyone must go. When you go in joy, you will meet joy; it is the law of reciprocity. Joy also makes the body sing. It heightens and increases your energy level. So when you have a temporary low in energy, think of something wonderful.
We here also enjoy the festivities in between the busy time of assisting all life. Without these festivities it is not possible to keep doing our tasks. Here too loving joy is all encompassing.
In this special season I am promising you all to perceive a momentary lifting of the veil that separates Heaven and Earth. This can be a happy event or a sudden inspiration how you should solve a problem that has been bothering you for a long time. Or something else, that is up to you to recognize, dear reader! All blessings to you and may you enter the new year with joy. You are never alone.

November 2019 – Meditation for inner power

“Empty yourself of thoughts and concentrate on your palate. This is an area where many energy lines come together. Put the tip of your tongue against your palate just behind the front teeth; this gives the body a message of concentration and inner peace.
Then concentrate on your head, switch off your thoughts, you are now only consciousness.
Now concentrate on your heart. Feel the power of your heart every time it pumps blood through your veins. Imagine the power of this life-pump. Feel this power spreading through your entire body. It is the life force that makes everything inside you work.
Imagine a beautiful sparkling ball of energy inside your belly. This sparkling ball is your supply of energy for the day. Try and feel this energy, and also the tingling and sparkle inside you when the energy fills your body.
This inner power manifests itself to the fullest when it is free of restraints like fear, self-pity and self-hatred. You now sit in peace with a warm feeling of love, free from negative emotions.
The astral or mental plane stretches out across your physical boundaries and here you can find your energy supply. The best key to feeling your inner power is love for your own being. This also implies self-acceptance and gratitude for being on this earth and filling in your life’s assignment.
An inner peace then comes to rest inside you, because you know that you are a good person who tries to live as purely as possible. Give yourself the chance to open up, dear reader. Help Me to help you! You do this by loving yourself and knowing you are good just as you are. You have been endowed with many talents and you are here to do the thing you can do very well. You are equipped with strength to cope with all the obstacles that every person must face to fulfill this assignment. You will get a feeling of invincibility. You deal with whatever comes your way and you do it well. Don’t worry about feelings of insecurity. Be attentive in everything and confident in what you do. When your foundation is based on love , things cannot go wrong. Inner power comes when you are at peace with yourself. Feel how great it is to simply be and being happy with all the talents you received in life. Look at how many you got and how wonderful it is to share them with your fellow man.
Every person receives the same amount of inner power. It is the same as with a car model: it has an engine that makes the car drive at, say, 200 kilometres per hour. Man is built along the same principles, but mankind has not reached its maximum speed yet, dear reader. You have not yet met with your complete inner power! You can only do this if you do away with all the restraints and know that when you do this, you will not become better than another, but you become your best self. By doing this, you invite others to also become their best selves. So do not be afraid of growing, of becoming ten feet high, of rising above everything. It does not mean leaving others behind. By your development you invite your fellow man to step into your power in order to let them start their own engine and power up.
This feeling, this happiness, is your inner power. It is a never ending fountain. You can visualise this fountain. What makes you come into you power is the certainty that at this moment you are exactly where you are supposed to be. That you may walk on the earth and be carried by Me and that this process is a great joy. Give yourself this moment of surrender to your highest self. Take the plunge, give yourself the benefit of the doubt, dare to believe in yourself! If I have so much faith in you, why do you still doubt yourself? Surrender to happiness, to eternity. Your inner power makes you feel that there are no boundaries to your love of existence. The broadening of your horizon makes you incredibly beautiful, loving and powerful. Feel with every breath you take how your world increases, broadens. You are infinite, dear reader. Your abilities, your wisdom and your love are infinite. Anchor this knowledge in your cells. Once you have experienced this feeling, you can recall it. This boundlessness is necessary to include infinity in your life within earthly boundaries and to remind you of the fact that you are a divine being.”

October 2019 – Looking at the past in a positive way

‘Dear Reader,

Problems are never unsolvable. Now is a time for you to look at your life in a different way and that is taking a more positive view towards your own actions.
Everywhere I see people putting themselves down because they may have made some small misrtake in a relationship, at work or in the upbringing of the children. Now look at the situation with the eyes of a wise man. You have already admitted the fact that things did not go as they should have done. Could you have done things differently then or was that the only way at that moment? Go back to the present and see if you have learned that lesson in the meantime and changed your way of doing things. If that is the case, you can easily let this episode sink into the past and not let it drag you down. If you have the feeling you’d do the same thing again, look at the situation now. Does this action fit into your present life or have you changed after all? Would you still do it the same way? Ninety percent of you will say they wouldn’t react the same way. That is the proof that you have learned from it and have gone on. So look at this with love for yourself. After that comes the understanding or love for the other. Do not worry that you have caused irreparable damage. This happens rarely and repair for that only comes in the afterlife. What you can do now is develop yourself with as much love and insight in yourself and in everything around you. Do not forget to call Me for help; that is what I am here for. There are innumerable helpers present. You do not have to do this on your own.’

September 2019 The effects of 5G mobile network radiation

“Dear Reader,

Your experiments on radiation are very primitive according to divine criteria. You do something and then look what the results are instead of first considering the process and making an inventory of its risks. Of course you have some genius scientists, dear people, who are inventing and experimenting responsibly. Radiation however, is something cosmic. It needs to be considered as extra terrestrial. This means an inventory is required of all possible scenarios when you experiment with and use this radiation. You have experienced this with nuclear radiation, of which you have not yet understood half. The natural radiation in your air is the only type man can experiment with because it does not have dangerous side effects. It can be used for the creation of clean energy, after which the end product will be assimilated into the air again.
Your experiments do not go further than what you want it to do for you. So with nuclear radiation an enormous amount of radiation is set free for you to use, but that which remains is waste in your eyes and thus thrown away or hidden inside the earth. I cannot give you My approval on this, dear readers.
Now you have discovered ultra short wave radiation, which should not be used. The shorter the wavelength, the more serious the consequences. I look at your new invention with grave concern. The new radiation network of 5G is an invention that has been made for war instead of work. You are going to use this weapon for commercial purposes, which can also be atttained by other harmless means. It is a weapon to reduce man to a being whose higher consciousness has been disconnected. You have a word for this: a zombie. Someone whose contact with My world, which is essential, is severed. You do not become soul-less, but the soul can not communicate well with her source and that is a very serious matter indeed.

5G is very damaging for every being on earth. The natural, subtle radiation can not be reveived anymore and the cells lose their connection to the higher power, causing them to run riot. What you get then are cancerous growths and mutations. The genetic structure is crippled because the cell is not guided by the unity in the universe anymore. These wrongs are on the same scale as genetic manipulation. The cell can not mutate back to its original state. Man loses the connnection to his body and cannot guide it energetically anymore. Animals, plants and trees experience the same mutilating effects.
5G also destroys the energetic body, the invisible parts of every being. You cannot think properly anymore, you feel disoriented because your magnetic field is damaged. The same goes for the earth’s magnetic field. This is disastrous for the migration of animals who are dependent on it for their sense of direction.

5G is also destructive for the supernatural beings who live in another dimension. The more subtle the beings, the worse the effect. Beings with a high energy level will experience worse symptoms than those with a lower level. This does not mean that it is healthy for beings of a lower energy level. It is slightly less dangerous. Supernatural beings like fairies have a very fine energy vibration; they are still existing on earth to help plants and trees grow and to keep the earth in harmony. They cannot live in an area with 5G radiation. They get severe symptoms like burns on their skin. When they retreat into their own sphere, 5G is still detectable there, it penetrates different layers. One could say: the network does not cover every area so the fairies can move to the unaffected areas. That is possible, but it means the destruction of nature in the spots where 5G has been installed. Nature is on its own then and already weakened by the constant flow of harmful radiation by the mobile network and also by pollution from air and ground. The supernatural beings will retreat even further and are forced to let nature fend for itself. They still have love for creation however and that will help maintain the ties that bind them to nature and earth.

You can protect yourself a little against 5G by protecting your aura daily. Imagine a thick metal layer around it with irregular projections which can reflect the radiation. The metal I have in mind is aluminium or silver. By imagining this, you create a protection around your subtle bodies. You can also do this for your pets and living space. The protection is not complete, dear reader, but it is better than nothing.

You cannot perceive all the consequences of your experiments and you do not see all the dangers regarding 5G. My advice is to stop this now and to establish a whole different sort of communications network without radiation. This is possible. Concentrate on your intuitive powers and specifically the power of thought. This will become the means of communication of the future. The snag is that 5G radiation disturbs the thought-fields in the human body. Train yourself daily by sending a thought to your partner or a friend who will tell you what they picked up. Repeat the exercise the other way around.

You may ask: Why do You not interfere? I will do so. I will change the minds of the people who want to install this network. I do this also together with you, the people who are conscious of the dangers and the acute situation. What I am asking of you is to share this information and to speak up for what you believe in. Stand strongly in yourself and in your beliefs. You will receive help, dear reader.”