Category Archives: Uncategorized

May 2016 What are your goals for coming summer?

Dear reader,

Now is a good time to look at your plans for the summer: In what way would you like to grow this time? What kind of qualities would you like to cultivate? Do you want to develop the power in yourself; would you like to go with the flow of life or perhaps to let go of old patterns? What about carefree enjoyment? All these things are possible if you accept the new energy that comes up every spring. Let go of your old insecurity and negative patterns. If that is difficult, write them on your yearly calendar in the month of January and then cross it out firmly. In the month of May you write all sorts of nice things, like discovering the light in yourself; empowering yourself and bringing out the sun in other people’s eyes. Thus the calendar becomes an instrument that reminds you of your dreams and goals. When you are busy, try to keep your thoughts focused on what you are doing. When your attention drifts, try to drift positively. When it is something negative, put it in the past. Now is also a good time to cleanse yourself and your house of all the energies that have accumulated during winter.
Difficult times are upon the world, but that does not mean that this will overshadow your life . You can use this knowledge to arrange your life in a way that you can surround yourself and others with positive energy. Everyone doing this will create a beautiful network.
Be flexible in the flow of life while keeping an eye on your goals.


March/April 2016: How to think about terrorism – suggestions

Dear Reader,

It is better not to send any negative thoughts to those who plan and execute terrorist attacks. These people should get into a more gentle energy and that is not possible when everyone thinks about them with loathing and often hate. The best way is to visualise placing them together in a large field. Then imagine a circle of angels around the field. Energy will radiate from the angels that takes these terrorists slowly to another energy level. Do not expect this to happen overnight, but when many people do this visualisation, the effects of the terrorists’ deeds will change. It also means that you are taking action.
A lot of you would prefer to see terrorists imprisoned or even receiving the death penalty, however this is not the way to go against these evil deeds. What these people lack (and need) is a deep rooted self-love, that is why they choose this violent road. When they get home, nothing is waiting for them: no nice course, interesting studies or exciting work. These people, children sometimes, have no purpose. The only thing they hear is that they can become heroes by sacrificing themselves. They never hear that they already are heroes, just the way they are. This understanding should find its way across the globe and eventually into the training camps of the terrorists. These people have a right to a happy, fulfilling life, with the feeling that they contribute something to society without getting killed and taking numerous victims with them. Give yourself the time to let your emotions out when there is another attack. Afterwards, try to forget it as soon as possble. I have already said it once, but the violence does not stop. Light a candle for the victims with loving thoughts and go your own way. Try not to let it come too close to heart. That does not mean that you are heartless. It is very important that people realise they can generate positive energy for a new world. That is what you do when you think positive. Create a beautiful atmosphere in your home, put nice flowers in your garden or on the balcony if you have one. Invite someone who does not have these things and who loves to be outdoors for a change. Then you are creating paradise on earth and we will always help you with that.


February 2016 Time is not linear

Dear Reader,

You see your life as a consecutive number of events that lead to a certain goal. The truth about life and its structure is different however. Your life is a collection of experiences that are gathered in a certain amount of time, but its order can be changed. For man it is difficult to understand because you perceive your life as a long thread on which your experiences are strung like beads. But look at those beads separately and make a loop in the thread (being time). Now different beads touch each other than they did in their linear sequence.
Know that you can still influence the events in your life. So you can dig up something that happened in the past, work on it and thus heal it. See this as a reality and not a visualisation. I would like to show you now is that time is not linear and that everything is happening at the same time.
You might ask: what about the future? That exists at the same time too. Your free will however gives you multiple futures. Look at your choices: when you make a different choice, your future will also be different.
There are some fixed patterns in every possible future however. If you have been promised a partner you are going to spend your life with, you will find him or her. It is important that you try to live intuitively because we can reach you then. If you do not and you go out of yourself, we cannot reach you and it will cost a lot more effort from both sides to make your future come true.
Please take some time to wrap your mind aroud this and know that this knowledge is here to help instead of confuse you. It is another step on the way to your expanded consciousness.
All is one.

January 2016: Delete negative energy with self love

Dear reader,

I see that you all have the urge to clean out negative energies in your life. That is a great good. I may be of help by showing you that the love for yourself is the basis by which you can remove those negative energies. Let your self love radiate past the boundaries of your house (and garden) and picture yourself as the centre of that enormous power of love.It is like a circle around you. You can also take problems into that circle so that they lose some of their edges in the energy of love. This way you’ll see that the solution to a problem is easier than you think.
Try to let a problem go by visualising that you open your hands and as it were offer it to the heavens. So for everything you still grasp and cannot let go: make a cup of your hands, lift them up and give all your troubles to us! That way you will experience a freedom in which you can see the solutions.
You can also include your good intentions, wishes and dreams into the circle of self love.
For those who do not yet know what self love is: it is the knowledge that you are an inseparable part of Me, The Source, The Universal Power, Spirit, and that this power is in you too and you may radiate that power. Try to wrap your mind around this and not only your mind, also the field of consciousness around you should be permeated by this idea. You feel it in your heart too, that is its source. The difficult thing is to connect the heart with the mind.
Let all the things that happened last year go and meet the coming time in faith. What you do as an individual is important: a small act may have an enormous impact.
So be aware of the fact that you are not powerless. We help every person to live their dreams so enjoy the new year in this light.

December 2015 Mind power

Dear Reader,

“Look at your life and write down what you do and don’t like about it. Then determine whether you can change these things or that they are caused by the system, which you cannot change. Look at your priorities, what is necessary in your life? What do you really want to change or see changed? Sometimes it is enough just to speak your intention aloud for it to come true.
Try to look at yourself in a positive way and do not go back to your old thoughts of inadequacy. The fact that there are problems in society does not mean that you will experience them in your life, dear reader. So do not be too fearful when you hear about all kinds of measures taken by the government. The world’s playground seems more and more difficult to access as an individual, but one can do a lot with mind power.
Send positive thoughts to people in war zones, to the earth, the animal and plant worlds, the seas. Try to stop the radioactive wave emanating from the still leaking nuclear power station in Japan. Send positive thoughts to the waters around the power plant for a month (or longer if you can) every day at the same time. The radioactivity there will decrease. It seems unbelievable, but that is the power of intention.
Try to work more with this power in the coming year, it will give you a lot of good in your life.
Be aware that you are heard and blessings are with you for 2016 and after.”


November 2015 Check your goals

Dear Reader,

Use this month to check your goals and to ask yourself if they still correspond to your changing energy level. Are you still looking towards your old goals or do you suddenly see a bigger pattern? Perhaps it is time to expand them. The energy of this month is good for these questions. You can adapt yourself every moment to your changing energy level.
Your fundamental wavelength is rising too. Try to feel this increasing powerful energy and to enjoy it.

Your life’s goal is coming closer and do not doubt your ability to reach it. You can never slide down when you remain focused on your goal. Every goal is different; one may choose material gain, the other wisdom. This is both OK, although of course I prefer the road to wisdom. However, prior to that one has to have a certain material contentment that has to be balanced first in order to tackle the spiritual knowledge.

Do not worry about the state of the world. Lately I have seen more and more people who are desperate and cannot go any further. That is not how it should be. You have to be able to live your life in happiness and from that happiness you can give good energy to the earth and its inhabitants. If you keep worrying about the state of the world you cannot change anything and you disregard your own goal. So take your happy moments seriously, they are essential to your life.
I still have everything under control although it may seem to have got out of hand. It all goes according to plan. I give everyone a glimpse of this master plan and together you must arrange the pieces to the great mosaic to be able to discover the truth.

September 2015 Lunar eclipse

There will be a total lunar eclipse in the night of Sunday 27 to Monday 28 September. This will be completely visible from the Netherlands and Belgium.
The eclipse starts at 02.11 hrs and has its maximum at 04.48 hrs. It ends at 07.24 hrs, all in Dutch time. At the peak of the eclipse the Moon is completely hidden in the shadow of the Earth, so no direct sunlight reaches the Moon. A little sunlight is reflected by the Earth’s atmosphere and reaches the Moon’s surface. This is primarily red light and thus casts a reddish glow on the Moon, hence its name Blood Moon.

Here follows God’s comment:

“Dear readers,
A total lunar eclipse enters your life at a moment of restlessness and despair.
Questions arise as: Is everything going to be OK? Am I still doing the right thing? What is the future of Earth? What will the country look like in the coming years? The answers seem more remote than ever.

The lunar eclipse is a sign of chaos. It shows a total rejection of the female and intuitive side of man and his society. A large part of mankind does act intuitively however and that is where we have to look. Do not lose hope for improvement of the system because you are that hope, dear reader! You who are reading this, who chooses light and inner confidence and new hope for the future.

The fact that the moon is invisible does not mean that she is not there. Stand up for yourself and build on your intuitive powers and faith in yourself. Send this power and faith into the world so that it reaches the leaders who are not yet capable to listen to their innermost feelings. These people in particular need this help. Prepare yourself for a new era. Keep developing your intuition and give a little extra positive energy and kindness to the people around you. That is also an aspect of the moon: kindness, gentleness and understanding.
In all respects you are ready for the future.”

August 2015 Faith is the door to happiness

Dear Reader,

What I have seen more and more lately is that people do not understand how life really works with respect to the rôle of the heavenly powers. What are the consequences of your actions? Being God I am supreme and omniscient and I help every being dealing with life. However, that does not mean that people have to reckon with this knowledge all the time. Life has to be lived by man from his own perspective. Sometimes there is divine intervention, sometimes there is not. This uncertainty is getting you down, I realise that. I would like to ask you to see your life from your own point of view and at the same time to keep all doors and windows open to My world and My love. Even when it seems to go unrewarded. This is the most difficult thing to ask of you; to keep your faith through thick and thin, in happiness and in sorrow. Even if that sorrow does not seem to get better.

Faith is the door to happiness. That is the essence. So, having faith invites divine intervention. That is how it works in a nutshell, dear children. It is much more complicated, but the above serves as help to get you through these times. It partly answers My not-acting. I see that you often reproach Me for not intervening where this would be most welcome. If that happens, there are important reasons for this that are unknowable to you. Keep having faith in your higher self and in the Divine that is forever linked with you and that is Me.


July 2015 Positive energy for Greece

“Dear reader,

The world economy is out of balance in all respects. Greece is tied to Europe while it cannot do anything with all the measures that are imposed. This country needs to bring out its culture again and believe in itself. Total independence is the solution. Thus a complete exit out of the European Union and renewed negotiations about import and export.
The most important thing is decentralisation in the world economy.
Send your positive energy to the Greek people and in particular to the leaders of the country. They need your good thoughts and can do so much more when they know that people are concerned about them and Greece’s future. Leave it to them to decide how to solve their issues but keep on sending positive energy this summer. Keep buying Greek products and refuse to give in to scaremongering. The country may go bankrupt economically but the Greeks will still stand and flourish.
All the billions going to Greece disappear in the pockets of billionaires; the individual Greek does not see a cent of it in his purse.
Let the system collapse, dear reader and take care of your own country. This is not a call for egoism but for small scale economy. The larger the pattern, the smaller the profits for the people and the easier shadows are formed.
In the end a beautiful order will arise that is good for every person. Keep this in mind and do not despair. I am always there.”

June 2015 Clean out your mind in the holidays

Dear reader,

June is the month of light and the longest day. It has the greatest manifestation power in nature. Everything is growing in order to make the most of the light. You all are influenced by this subconsciously and your creating power is on the increase this month. That will extend to around mid-August,then it levels out for a while to go gently downward again towards September.

Your spring-lethargy is over and you want to get everything up and going what you have planned in the winter time.
Turn around your anxiety for the world by knowing that you are making a difference by being there. Just by being there. Your good deeds are an additional benefit. That is how you can empower the force of your inner light.
When you are sitting in the sunshine, let the light flow into your cells.

You will find that the solution to everything lies in your consciousness. It is expressed in the way you live and think about things.
Use the coming holiday period to create order in your thoughts. Is there something that has to go, such as memories of arguments, fights and small misunderstandings at work? Throw away all these thoughts, dear reader. The mind deserves to be cleaned out just as your living space does.

The same goes for feelings of guilt. If you feel guilty of certain things, acknowledge it to yourself and let it go.
Control over your mind is a first step towards working with energy and mind power. Try to think about a field of sunflowers instead of recalling difficult conversations.
I promise you that it will work. Peace of mind is the beginning of your vacation.

April/May 2015 Do not restrict yourself to daily reality

Dear reader,

I can see you reading this and I notice that your energy pattern is clearing. You may ask yourself how this can simultaneously happen to every reader. Be aware that all of you are being guided and influenced by the large field of energy that encompasses the earth. In this way I can give love to all and everyone at the same moment. Try to understand this not with your brain but by visualisation. Think in images and forget about the earthly laws you learned about at school. For example that one cannot go back in time. That you can’t be in two places at once. That you need a way of transport to get somewhere. That fairytales don’t exist.
Dear reader, it is time for a change in your consciousness. Everything is possible! Instant wealth. Sudden healing. Meeting your loved ones who are deceased or meeting beings from the spirit world.
Do not restrict yourself to daily reality. If you find this difficult, buy a book of fairytales, read fantasy or science fiction. Go to the museum and look at art. Stretch your consciousness to the uttermost limits of the universe and realise that that space also exists in yourself. You are boundless. Your abilities are endless!
Be conscious of your own space. When you are standing somewhere, do it with attention and know that you honour that space by being in it. That is love for yourself. Then you realise that you are an extension of Me and an integral part of the universe.
No one is on earth without a purpose. No one is superfluous, even if you are depressed and think you have nothing good to contribute. Have faith in the fact that you are exactly where you have to be. Nobody is able to fully understand the divine purpose. Leave the judgement about yourself and others to Me and live in freedom.


March 2015 Do things consciously

Dear Reader,

You have created a new order within the existing system. This new order will ensure harmony in all layers of society. Rest assured that the resulting happiness is also yours and that it lies within your lifetime to enjoy. Everything you are now doing for a better world will come back to you and you’ll see life in a different light. It will be easier to handle life; give yourself that promise.
Concentrate on your inner core and ask yourself every time you do something: ‘Is this good for my soul (my deepest self)?’ I am asking you to go for life totally, but at the same time to take a step back with every action and look at it consciously while asking yourself that question. This is not an invitation to selfishness, it invites self-love. Try to make living consciously a second nature. Do not be afraid that it will take away your spontaneity because it does not.

The reason I am bringing this to your attention so much is that over the years you have drifted away from your soul. The only way to involve your soul again is to let your actions be guided by the soul, asking: ‘What is in it for me?’
Almost every person on earth has a lack of self-love. By introducing the above method gradually into your life you will notice that your energy level will be more stable and that you will not so easily glide down into gloom or doubt.
Try it and see if it works for you!


February 2015 This is the time to create

Dear reader,

Give yourself a small gift this month. It does not have to be anything large, just buy yourself something that you have been wanting for some time. The reason for this is that this is a month in which it is not yet clear how things are going to work out financially. Giving yourself a gift is to charge yourself with attention and love. It is also a compliment to yourself for who you are and what you do to keep everything afloat. Joy should be your basic feeling. Make yourself happy, with a box of candles, incense or a bunch of flowers; enjoy it and know that this is for you. It is not yet the time to sit back and reflect on things. Now is a time of creation and beginning of new projects. Perhaps you are clearing out old stuff at home or preparing the garden so that the shrubs can grow unhindered in the coming months. This is a month of looking to the future and I would like to say that everything you create now, you take with you and will give you permanent joy. Do not worry about the economy, it still goes on and you will have enough to eat. Concentrate on the fact that everything you do is something and that you can always call upon this power.
We here are busy revising and perfecting your entire economic system so that every person will have a beautiful life. The uncertainty in your life will increase, but so will your inner strength. Try to look through the uncertainty, every time you get through it you have come a little further and can cope better with the world’s problems. This is a good time to start something new and to contemplate your wisdom. See how you react to the news of the world. When it reaches you,  see it in a positive light and feel your own strength increase rather than diminish. Know that with your power of thought you can make a difference in the lives of people who are hundreds of miles away. They are conscious of the fact that they are helped, just as you are always helped.

December 2014/January 2015 Charlie Hebdo

Dear Reader,

The past year was spent in unrest, in earth matters as well as in your personal lives. The new year will be filled in differently than you think. Between all the difficulties, you will also experience moments of great happiness. You are in the right place at the moment. It is possible that you want to go away from your daily environment, to move house or even to emigrate. Know that there is a time and place for everything. Wait for the right moment and you’ll see that this comes quicker than you think. As daily life is concerned, making ends meet will get more difficult this year. However, new insights make your life easier, so it works both ways.
Do not be afraid for the new year, start with joy and know your greatest asset is your inner life and wisdom of the soul. That gives real happiness and wealth. Take the time for joyful things and each evening look back on the beautiful moments, to start the next day in joy.
Happiness is permanent. It is not a peak experience. Do not be influenced by everyone’s opinion but stay centered in your own knowledge that you are on the right track and taking small steps each time on the path of wisdom.

My request to you

The attacks in France are the beginning of a wave of terror going over the Western World in particular. I haste to say that this can be stopped by not giving these attacks any publicity. For you it is almost unthinkable but still I ask you to not make any information about this terror public. I call upon you not to give these terrorists the heroic status they crave. The more publicity, the more attacks, that is how it works. So do not say anything about it to each other and honour the victims in silence and send them your good wishes. They will be honoured in other ways than mass sympathy.
There is another way to decrease violence and that is to keep sending light to the groups of people doing these attacks. They live in self-imposed darkness which can be penetrated from outside, causing them to start doubting their deeds. Every person sending light, helps reducing the dark.


November 2014 Exercise voor high energy level

Dear Reader,

This time I have an exercise for you, connecting you with your highest energy level.
This will go before you on your life’s path.

Go to your heart region and feel your heart beating.
Here in the centre of the body lives the soul. She always speaks My language.
You then say: “I invite my soul to come forward more in my life.”
You will feel a powerful energy radiating from your heart to the rest of your body and will stand firmer on your feet.
Then you go to your solar plexus and say: “I connect my will with my soul.”
Thirdly focus your attention on your head and say: “I connect my mind with my soul.”
You feel the three elements connecting and then you can do a last affirmation:
“As a human being I am connected to heaven and earth.”

Try to do this exercise at least once every day. You will be happier and stonger.

October 2014 Keep believing in goodness

Dear Reader,

In this time it is very difficult to continue to believe in the good. Your whole life is spent being busy to do the right thing. It seems that people who do not believe in doing this and wallow in the luxury that life still offers, are being rewarded while those who consciously try to live well are being curtailed and threatened in their being.
This only appears so, dear reader. I see everything, from the smallest decision to have a cup of coffee to the great things in life. I see nothing without giving energy to it and to less good things I give less energy so they disappear into the background. People however keep giving energy to these bad things and thus expose them to the light again. Keep in mind that every good thought arrives here and is celebrated. Know that you are rewarded for these good thoughts and actions. For you who cannot see the whole picture it is difficult to keep faith that the good really leads to happiness. I have before Me the great plan of the person who still has the intention to give love to himself and the world around him. This great plan shimmers with happiness and hope and this feeling is the essence of your later years. Keep this promise in the back of your mind and try to keep faith in the fact that your choices are good and that you will be rewarded for it even though it does not appear so at the moment.


September 2014 Stay centered

Dear Reader,

Make your preparations for a new stage in these chaotic times. Mankind is coming ever closer to the end of the techno-era. This means that difficulties will increase throughout the world. Do not be surprised if you keep being confronted with things you don’t seem to be able to solve. It is all part of this time and your presence can influence its outcome. If you can stay calm in the middle of the storm, you will see order coming back. You have this same order built into your body, soul and spirit. Be aware that you can radiate this order and let its energy go on ahead. Concentrate on your own light and do not make any rash decisions. The present system wants you to make these because it is very difficult to cancel them. Stay focused with your opinion and life style wherever you are. Don’t get sucked in by the maelstrom created to make people dependent on the system.
You are all standing in the light and we see everything. Faith in yourself and in us is very important. Try to hold on to that even if you think there is no more divine guidance. That will always remain and you as an individual are also noticed.
When you worry, your energy level drops, so try not to let circumstances influence you too much. There is a moment for everything and you’ll notice that more time is required for some problems to be solved. Suddenly there will be a moment that everything is solved without you doing overmuch for it. You will then be surprised how easy that went. Trust your own ability to recognise new insights!

August 2014 Think differently: Life is perfect

Dear Reader,

I have noticed that people think in terms of solving problems. How to get more money or to take care of your child’s development at school etc.
This month I would like to invite you to think the other way around. What I mean is that you start thinking that your life is perfect as it is. See life as a full circle and that everything in it is as it should be.
Do not think of your problems at that time but see the big picture. Imagine that your life goes according to plan, that is, the big plan you wrote yourself before your life on earth. Complaining when things are getting out of hand is OK, but keep on thinking: ‘I live my life according to plan’. This way you keep yourself energetically on the right track. You might wonder why this is so important. It is the key to permanent happiness. If your eyes don’t see how your life should be, your soul does and she tries to keep you on the right path. So when you choose this way, life will arrange it for you and you will notice that things go more smoothly. Chances you have been waiting for appear and things are looking up.
This is what you can do with the power of thought, dear reader and that is only the beginning. Try this first, we can elaborate on it further later.

The situation in the world has not yet quietened down. However, stay with the thought that peace will follow. Imagine that peace comes to every place where there is war. If you find it difficult to imagine in detail, remember a face you saw on television, a child, an old lady or a soldier and concentrate your good thoughts on them and their village. The earth there too needs love and attention.
Do this a few times this month (and on if possible) and the world will be a different place.
You are the eyes and ears of the heavens and help to bring back the earth in its original state of paradise.

July 2014 MH17

Dear Reader,

The disaster with the aircraft of Malaysian Airlines is still fresh in your memory.
I would like to let you know that the people in the aircraft have not suffered physically. In all respects they made a quick transition to My heavens. They did consciously realise that they were going to crash and there was panic on board. This panic was of a short duration however. The people could not think or do anything, the moment was too intense for that. Guidance from our side was immediate: we narrowed down their consciousness so that they did not have to experience full suffering.
They saw their lives flashing past. Everyone arrived here immediately and were taken care of. Now they are resting. They would really like to visit ther loved ones but this is not yet possible. When a big group of people dies simultaneously, we have a special way of taking care, one can compare it to a sort of quarantaine; the victims still need each other and contact with their families comes later.
You all have showed a lot of compassion and kind thoughts; this gives the victims great support.

I would like to say one more thing about the people who did this, dear reader.
These are  not professional killers. They are simple soldiers who love their land. They have been sucked into a political fight by their superiors of which they understand nothing. Their guilt is enormous. They cannot believe that one of these rockets has caused so much suffering. These soldiers cannot experience happiness anymore and the fight for their country has lost its lustre.

Politically not much good will come from this. I would like to ask you to not speak your mind about this too much. The balance in the world is delicate and what helps most is a positive, loving disposition, so try to keep it at a human and not a political level.

Let this be enough about the disaster. If you would like to do anything, please send love and light to the victims and their families, that certainly helps.

Try to resume life and also think of your own goals and happiness.
A lovely summer awaits you, with nice sunny weather. Enjoy this and concentrate on the positive side of your life, even if the outside world gives you little reason for joy.
The idea of eternal happiness should stay in the back of your mind.

Freshen yourself up, literally, by doing a water ritual on Friday July 25th, the Maya Day Out of Time.
Cleanse yourself and the world on this day. How? Be creative! Even if you just rinse a small object under the tap with the thought of healing and cleansing the Earth it already helps.
Let happiness flow!

June 2014 How to look at a problem

Looking at a problem

Dear reader,

If you like, try and make a list of items which are currently bothering you. Usually two or three things spring to mind immediately.
These we are going to work with now.
You have a few minutes to yourself at the moment. In the time you are reading this, you can make some progress solving your difficulties.
Feel your mood when you look at the problems on your list.
Then look at it as if it is something you have to reply to straight away. Openminded, detached and intuitively. What is your first reaction?
If you find it difficult looking at it from a distance, try imagining that it is the list of your friend you are looking at.

Then you react. Does anything pop up into your mind? It can also be that you hear: “It will be all right”. That is a reaction too!
It is not necessarily a solution, as well as a different way of looking at the problem. Now look at the other items on your list and apply the same method. Try to eliminate your ever running thoughts and hear the answer from the heart.
If you do not hear anything, relax for a few minutes or go and clean something, as long as your thoughts are elsewhere. In the meantime the question still lingers in your mind but you are tackling it from a different angle.

The answer can be anything:

I cannot do anything yet, tomorrow I should take action;
I accept the problem until I can do anything about it.
I have to see it in a different light;
I am now going against myself by holding on to the problem;
Now I see what I can do;
I always get the chance to solve the problems.

My solution for your problems is: Putting your trust in the goodness of the universe.

When you do this, things go much easier. Believe in the fact that a solution is always there.
Call My name and ask for help, it is always given.

If you can, take a few days extra off this month. That way you have had some rest before the stress of the big holidays.

May 2014 How to digest traumatic news


Dear Reader,

Nothing has more effect on your wellbeing than the news coming to you from outside. In this message I will suggest different a way in which you can digest information of an emotional nature.

Be comfortably seated and breathe deeply in and out. Then give your full attenion to the unsettling news that came to you. At the moment you feel your emotions drag you down, let your true feelings speak. What does your soul say? Try to see this separately from your ratio and receive the words as if it is coming from outside.
Thus you take a step backwards and leave the emotion out of the situation. Your true feelings will usuallly say something like: “Don’t identify yourself with the suffering because it does not help the victims.” The sadness, frustration and anger you have you can now transform into love for yourself and for the victims. Say to yourself and the world: “Love is coming to you, you are in helping hands.”
Be aware of the fact that we in the heavens have everything under control, even if the chaos seems evil. Know that we already are there where disaster is yet to strike.
The thing is not to lose your feelings of love and happiness. The victims, whether this be humans, animals or nature, are better served by your happiness than your pity. They need the equilibrium on earth which is necessary to put things right again and this is easier when there are positive feelings available.
Pity for the world is not as good as loving thoughts and a balanced spirit.
This takes some practice, dear reader. You cannot instantly be unaffected by all that comes to you via television, radio and other people. The fact that keeping one’s equilibrium is better for everyone including oneself, may be of help, including this daily mantra: “I keep my spirit in balance and my happiness is good for everyone.”


April 2014 Cleanse the energy in your house

Dear reader,

These first two weeks of the month are a good time to cleanse your house with incense or sage. Cleaning is fine too, but ritual cleansing has an extra effect now.
Leave all the windows open for a while afterwards and send your problems away with the wind. Difficult times have left more of a residue than one thinks.
Give yourself a little gift this month. It does not need to be something huge; a nice crystal or something you have been wanting for a while. Your house needs a little new energy that makes you happy.

Do not worry about the state of the world but try to make it a different place from within your home. You can do this by expanding your positive energy towards the street, even the entire city. See it as a large cloud of love touching everyone, including yourself. Just forget about all the misery for a minute and feel positive energy charging the whole area. If you do this once every day this month, your environment will be charged with happiness and everyone is more cheerful.
Do not think of your problems while sending the energy as that makes you tired.

You will get more energy by the enhanced frequency of the earth this month. There is a heightened activity in the earth’s surface that also causes earthquakes. This may happen again in April.
With meditation one can calm down the earth by visualising the leylines and filling these with love. This love flows over the earth like a gentle massage. It has the same effect as stroking your pet. You do not have to know where these lines  are for the meditation to be effective.

Take a little time for yourself now, two minutes does the trick!

March 2014 Feel your connection with the earth

“Dear reader,

Don’t worry too much about all the miseries on earth. Stand firmly in the middle of the storm. Now is the time of new growth on earth, both in nature and in your own lives.
Go somewhere in nature and try to connect with the new sounds coming from within the earth. Listen to her voice and send positive energy towards her.
Feel the soles of your feet connecting with the earth and let a clear beam of energy enter your body via your feet. This connection stays with you when you are home again, even when you live in an appartment which is not in direct contact with the earth.

Everything is flowering, also your loving attention for each other. Give the same love you had for the earth also to other people and know yourself a part of this enormous network of love.
Take your time doing things; no hasty decisions. Realise that you have ample time to make a decision from within your deepest self.
Now is a time of chaos on earth. Do not let yourself be influenced too much by this. Just go your own way and know that what you do out of love, will lessen this chaos.
This year will be remarkable because more people will realise that they can really change the world only by the power of their own thoughts.

Take a ten minute rest every day, dear reader and try to spend this time in nature. In your garden, in the park, even with a tree in the carpark.
Take this moment to enjoy the exchange of energies with the earth. Leave your troubles there and take fresh energy with you.
Everything will go better when you do this daily.”


Message of January/February 2014 Express your opinion

Dear Reader,

A new year stretches out before you, full of great change, in private life as well as in the world. I look upon the coming times with hope because such a large number of you have a warm heart towards this beautiful earth. This is necessary. Millions of people have been invited to contribute to the beginning of a new world. In this world love will play the central role and a new order will emerge. This is already on its way, but goes largely unnoticed.
You all chose to be here on earth at this time and each of you has a specific task to accomplish.
This year stands for expansion and expressing your heart’s opinion. People have to get used again to speaking their mind from within their deepest core. This year is one of choices. Do you choose the low or the high life? Meaning: are you letting your ego get the better of you or do you follow your soul?
Here in the heavens we try to focus our energies onto the recipients as precisely as possible. However, this becomes more and more difficult because of the veil of evil that covers the earth. We cannot undo this veil, it is you that must destroy it by love energy. Every loving thought punctures a little hole in the veil, until there is no more dark energy to be lighted.
Whatever your situation is this year, try to think positive. Know that we here do everything to help you and that all these changes will be for the better in the end. When you see or hear evil or suffering, visualise covering it with a blanket of love and harmony. This way you will not feel powerless and… it helps! Send for example love and harmony to Syria. People will receive it as a moment of happiness in their difficult lives. They feel a little better for a while, perhaps just at the moment they could not take it any longer. You can also apply this technique to your own life when things do not go well.
Do not worry too much about the world; give love, first to yourself and then to the world.