August 2024 – You are always a Lightworker

“Dear Lightworkers,

For the future of mankind and the coming of the new transparent human race it is important that you remain hopeful and positive. A small group wil carry the large group; this small group will continue to be the motor of the Light. For you all it is difficult to understand that the replacement of the old human race for the new, transparent human does not mean that you will all die out. You will continue in a new form.
The dark elements need to disappear, they will not be a part of the new world and will go elsewhere. They will be partly transformed into light by the consciousness of the people who harbour them and who realise that they want to go the way of the light. That is another percentage that is added to the light world. Then there are those people who do not mind the dark at all, they will be lovingly assembled in another dimension.
So a certain percentage of lightworkers will always be there and they will take care that the light is transferred to the new forms of existence.
You may all count yourselves to these lightworkers, dear Readers and that is serious business! As a matter of fact you are all further in your spiritual development than most. However, you know all about responsibility, don’t you?: The further you are, the greater the duty to shine your light onto the people who do not yet have had the opportunity to see it. It does not mean that you have to convince them, but that you remain strong and certain, knowing that if there is someone about to see the light, you may give them that final little push toward it.
Lightworkership is a state of being; you are always a lightworker. It is namely also the way you live. Be positive about yourself, your situation and also about the situation of the world.  It could be that you are in difficult circumstances yourself, but still I ask you to keep looking with a positive eye. That is the best way for you, dearest Reader, we are always there for you personally. Your personality, not only your soul, is being supported and that helps your understandig of selflove, that you know you are being seen, understood and supported and that you know to have a responsibility towards yourself and the world. Do not let this responsibility get you down; it is an invitation, a joyous fulfillment of your tasks as a lightbeing, dearest Reader, we are standing with you.”