February 2025 – See your Light and see the greater picture

Dear Readers,

There is a deep rooted optimism in mankind. This is part of your divine spark, it is the connection wilt Me that makes you know that everything will be all right. It is important that you can reach that deepest part of light within yourself at any moment. This is not easy because life sends you hither and dither and old fears may appear, not only out of your own past, but also out of the collective unconscious of mankind. This happens in times of great upheaval. It is as if you stir up a deep pool, everything that has settled on the bottom reappears. This is a good thing, these aspects that come up need to be seen with clarity and without fear. Know how these processes work and that you will come out of these in a positive way. Go to your innermost centre, there you’ll find the overall picture and guidance. Where do you want to go? That is the same for everyone: to walk life’s path in the greatest form of happiness and then go home again. This happiness is inside yourself, not in what happens to you in life. Of course you will experience great moments, but the real state of happiness is in you. The reason I am constantly stressing all this is because it is the fundamental solution to all the world’s problems.

Many people ask Me: Can’t You say something about the situation in the world? What do You think about Trump’s presidency? Of course I do not mind answering these questions, but in comparison to what I just told you about yourself, it is of minor importance. It is all about your essence, your consciousness. Then you will be able to know for yourself if Trump’s election is a good idea or not.
What I can say about this is that Trump’s presidency is a necessery step towards harmony on earth, but it is not the ultimate step, it is a very small beginning. You are not there yet by a long way. So one cannot say: Trump’s election has saved the world. What one can say is that his presidency has stopped further escalation.
We are seeing everything in a greater perspective here, from your point of view it is very difficult to judge people who are in a very high position. In principle man is good. It happens that man chooses evil things, but this does not make man evil. It can also happen that someone has made mistakes in the past which make him open to blackmail in the future. This is how the elite operates. They let people make mistakes on purpose, or bring them in a position of dependency which puts the person in a position that they can be blackmailed. Does this person refuse to give in, they are shunted aside or eliminated. Know that every person in a high position (or anyone else for that matter), has some skeletons in the cupboard, making him dependent so that he cannot do everything the way he would like. This is Trump’s position at the moment.
Do not see everything too black and white, but observe the way in which this man tries to keep the balance. The same goes for other leaders. Know that Trump and also Putin have no plans to destroy the world.
The elite does have these plans, they are trained to do evil things from generation to generation. Many of them want out, but this is impossible because of the complexity of their structure. They must be stopped by shedding light onto their actions and by  exposing them individually, everyone has to know their faces. That makes their position untenable.
That is the most important information for the moment, dear ones. What is of utmost importance is your light power and I will address this every time again.
Come to Me, then you will find yourself.
All My blessings to you.”