November 2024 – Take an active part on the world’s stage

“Dear Reader,

This message is about the great balance that needs to be restored on Earth. This is not happening just yet. You are seeing many incentives for war and many efforts to avoid this. The powers above your governments are vying for war so that they can use the chaos to build their world, but things are not going according to their plans. Many people have woken up before time and have spoken out, creating great opposition.
What you need to do now, dear Reader, is to strengthen your own inner power. This will also be beneficient to the great whole. The more powerful you are, the stronger the energy to restore balance. You inner power is coming from knowing that you are a good person, that you want to do good and that you wish all the best for yourself and the entire planet. This is the foundation for self-love.
The wish to do good is to make contact with Me. I will respond immediately by a blessing. Every good thought receives a blessing. The effect on you is a higher energy level. You may stilll become very tired, but the pattern of your energy changes.
Practise this self-love and then take a small step back on the world’s stage. This means you are watching. Watch first, do second, for nothing is what it seems. It is now about discovering the real truth which is hidden in the most unlikely situations and people. Stay alert, keep on reading and learning, dear Reader, take an active part in the world you have chosen, then all will be well.”